Do I need to give my supplier the login ID and password to access the NIIX SCAR Software?
No. You need to key in the supplier’s email address when you create a SCAR. The system will automatically send email notification to that supplier includes a link to access to the particular SCAR you have issued to them. Then your supplier needs to click on the link and access directly to the particular SCAR and feedback to you.
All suppliers from different company can access to all SCAR Form?
No. The supplier can only view their own SCAR. They will not be able to view any other SCAR information that is not belongs to them.
How does SCAR Software help improve supplier management?
All the SCAR will be systematically managed, and the history remained in the system. It helps mitigate supplier defects and ensure better performance by streamlining all your supplier-related processes and addressing the operational challenges with SCAR Workflows.
How many suppliers can I manage from the NIIX SCAR Software?
You can manage as many suppliers as you want from the NIIX SCAR Software.
The SCAR system is compatible to use with tablet?
Yes. It is mobile and tablet responsive.
Can we integrate SCAR with Risk Management?
Yes. You can integrate SCAR with NIIX Risk Management Software.
How can I obtain the SCAR report?
You can retrieve comprehensive report by using the built in dashboard analytic report feature.
Can I amend the SCAR template form?
Yes. You can use the form editor to edit your SCAR form.
To respond to the Supplier Corrective Action Request, the Supplier must first register as one of the users of the system?
No need. They just need to click the SCAR access link in the email & securely access to view and respond only their specific SCAR.
Is it possible for suppliers to view their own SCAR history?
Yes. The suppliers can access and view their own SCAR history.
When a Supplier access to the NIIX SCAR Software, it is considered utilizing one of the User licenses that we subscribed/ purchased?
No. Supplier access is not counted towards the user license. The User License is only counted for your internal usage.
When responding to the SCAR form, can the supplier attach any supporting files?
Yes. The supplier can attach multiple files include video and image as supporting documents.
How can I keep track of SCAR’s progress and history?
You can see the progress in the system such as whether the supplier had responded to you, whether the task has been past due, etc. All history will be kept in the system and remain retrievable.
How can NIIX SCAR Software help improve managing the nonconformance findings?
It will simplify managing the nonconformance findings with the automated workflow. Auto task notification helps to enable completing task on time and prevent overlooked.
Is your system mobile and tablet compatible?
Yes it is mobile and tablet friendly.
Is your system easy to use, especially for our supplier?
Yes. It is a user-friendly simplify system that makes the user learning curve much shorter and easy to implement full-deployment and improve SCAR management.
Is it still necessary to manually send SCAR document to our supplier?
No. The related document can be uploaded and sent to the supplier within the NIIX SCAR Software itself.
How can I ensure that a supplier from Company A does not have access to another form from Company B?
The supplier will only be able to access to their own SCAR through the unique link generate from the system.