Is there any reporting for Gap Analysis Form?
Yes. You can generate fully customizable reports and data analytics such as trend of the gap, overdue task, cycle time, issues, frequency of recurrence gap, improvement area, root cause, etc.
Will my company’s information remain private?
Yes. all data entered into the system can only be accessed by authorized user. Data in the system is encrypted.
How Gap Analysis system can help improve our customers satisfaction?
Gap analysis as part of ISO 9001 element give transparent job skill verification and nonconformity definition which improves accountability within an organisation. Helps improving in employee job deliveries and overall organisational performance. Develop positive working culture to achieve QMS quality objective and further improve customer satisfaction.
How system can help us to evaluate our business?
It helps to evaluate the risk identified, business needs and the opportunities of your businesses. It helps to determine whether the organization’s context, planning, operation, quality control, and improvement are in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard.
Where we can check the status of each Gap Analysis?
You can see the progress status of each form from the status list in the system. You can also retrieve the real time information from the analytic report.
Can we amend the form template?
Yes. You can amend the form template from the built-in form builder.
Can I retrieve and generate the report directly from the system?
Yes. You can generate report from the dashboard data analytic feature.
Can we add attachment file directly while filling data in the form?
Yes. You can attach supporting document in various type of file like image, video, audio, pdf, etc.
From the Gap Analysis, it enables strategic planning?
Yes. It helps provide clear analytic insights of the company through analytic report, which can be use for strategic planning.
Is NIIX Gap Analysis Software mobile-friendly?
Yes, it is mobile and tablet friendly.
How effective is the GAP Analytics tool in improving organizational performance?
The NIIX Gap Analysis Software is the ideal mechanism for comparing your company’s actual performance to the performance you planned or desire to achieve. Then you can plan accordingly what you need to do in order to achieve your desire goal.
What are the advantages of using the NIIX GAP Analytics Software?
It provides detail analytic reports from the data captured. Ensure job skill transparency, clear details of what you currently have versus what you plan to achieve.
How can the NIIX Gap Analysis Software assist in making decisions for organizational improvement?
The NIIX Gap Analysis software with detailed centralize data, and data analytic tools contribute to strategic decision-making based on fact instead of gut feeling.
How many employees can access to the NIIX Gap Analysis Software?
It is based on the number of user license you subscribed/ purchased. You can add on the number of user license at anytime if you need more employees to access the system.
How many times can we amend the form template of the gap analysis?
You can amend as many times as you want using the built-in form editor.