Quality Policy Requires Consistent Quality Objectives and Planning for Sustaining Business Mark Eydman, CQP MCQI, Managing Director at Six Pillars Consulting, considers how organisations can measure, respond to, and develop customer loyalty to support sustainable, profitable growth. The CQI describes quality as the process of making organizations perform for their stakeholders, and most would agree…
Month: March 2021
Maintain Documented Information in ISO 9001:2015
Alex Woods offers a guide to the documented information requirements in ISO 9001:2015. One of the more eagerly discussed differences between ISO 9001:2015 and its predecessor is the absence of the terms “documents” and “records”. The six mandatory documented procedures are gone, so too has the requirement for a documented quality manual. Instead, throughout the…
Brief Information about Changes in ISO 45001
Colin MacNee analyses the latest developments on ISO/DIS 45001 and finds some significant changes have been introduced. The Draft International Standard, ISO/DIS 45001 occupational health and safety management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, has been published for ballot and comment. There are significant changes from the second committee draft (CD 2). Annex SL High…
ISO 15189 and The Entire Laboratory Path of Work Flow
ISO 15189 and The Entire Laboratory Path of Work Flow Ernesto Quider, CQP FCQI, Health Group Quality Systems Manager/Pathology Quality Manager at Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, winners of the Quality Team of the Year Award at the 2018 International Quality Awards, talks to Alicia Dimas, from the CQI, about the team’s achievements and…
Make Quality Behaviors A Habit
Make Quality Behaviors A Habit Paul Vaughan CQP, FCQI, Lead Quality Manager in Projects at Siemens Mobility, asks you to put yourself in your customers’ shoes and make quality a habit. Think about the following three scenarios: Scenario 1: Having paid good money for a theatre ticket, you find that the stage view is obscured….
Improvement of Quality Management in Social Care
Improvement of Quality Management in Social Care Himu Gupta, CQP MCQI, an Independent Consultant and Trainer in quality control and quality assurance, explores the ways quality management can be improved in social care. More and more social care agencies are investing in the development and implementation of a quality management system. They are aiming to achieve best…
Implementing 8D Problem Solving Methodology for Business Continuity
Implementing 8D Problem Solving Methodology for Business Continuity Stephanie Herring, Quality Manager at Wales Fertility Institute, UK, explains why the 8D approach should be applied when investigating non-conformances. Within all aspects of any service, quality remains the integral commodity of how we continue to improve our services, our staff and ourselves. Working towards continual improvement…
Key Health and Safety Rules and Guidance in ISO 9001
Key Health and Safety Rules and Guidance in ISO 9001 Bob Marshall, CQP MCQI, Secretary of the CQI Yorkshire branch, explains how health and safety must be considered when determining the needs and expectations of interested parties and providing a suitable working environment. ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems does not specifically mention safety, but to…
Third-Party Audits During Pandemic of ISO 9001
Third-Party Audits During Pandemic of ISO 9001 Damien Tiller, CQP MCQI, IRCA Lead PQMS and QMS Auditor, highlights the way the SOC® Service Organizations: Trust Services Criteria Report could overcome the difficulties inherent in remote auditing. Many organisations have switched to remote audits during their vendor selection and due-diligence auditing phase. For some organisations, especially…
Implement Successful Lean Six Sigma in Manufacturing Industry
Implement Lean Six Sigma in Manufacturing Industry Husain Al-Omani, Master Black Belt, Board Member of the AACE (Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering) International Marketing Board, highlights the importance of the Six Sigma approach and why more businesses should adopt this quality management methodology. Over the past 50 years, there has been an increasing…