Calibration: What is it and Why is it Important?

Calibration (CAL) is a basic but important task that must be done in order to ensure accurate measurements. In this blog article, we will break down the importance of calibration and how it can be accomplished.  CAL is a term used in industrial automation to describe the process of adjusting. The need for calibration arises from…

What are the disadvantages of getting ISO 9001 certified?

In the technology business, ISO 9001 certification is one of the most widely respected standards for companies in the field. However, some businesses feel that getting certified is simply too much of a hassle and not worth it – which begs the question: why bother? Find out how to determine whether ISO 9001 certification is…

Why You Should Set a Quality Objective

In the world of quality management, there are two main methods for measuring and ensuring quality. The first is verifying that a process complies with the criteria defined in the quality manual. This is called process validation. The second method is to set measurable quality objectives.  As stated in ISO 9001 Quality Management System, quality…

Communication Technology and Inclusion Will Shape the Future of Remote Work

Technology has played a crucial role as telecommuting and remote work became popular over the past few years, allowing people to take advantage of the benefits while remaining flexible with their time and location. In this article, we’ll discuss some upcoming changes that will help shape the future of remote work! The Future of Remote…

Measuring and evaluating supplier performance with metrics

A blog article discussing how metrics can be used to measure and evaluate supplier performance. How managers who rely on metrics can outperform their peers who don’t use them.  Identifying and measuring key performance metrics  One of the most important metrics to measure with your suppliers is how much time they are spending in your…

The Top Risks of Not Having a ISO 9001 Quality Management System

Quality Management Systems are the core of any business, but they might not be as popular as they should be.   Managing QMS is one of the most important aspects of business. Quality Management Systems, better known as ISO 9001 QMS, are a great way to safeguard your company’s future and ensure you are incorporating all…

Why Transparency and Trust are Essential to Organizational Success?

Transparency and trust are the backbone of any strong organization. Without them, there is no credibility, which is why ISO 37001 was created by the International Organization for Standardization to support organizational success. What is transparency and why does it matter?  Transparency is the quality of being open and honest. It’s one of the most…

Setting Quality Policy with Measurable Results

Quality objectives are measurable quality control methods a company establishes according to ISO 9001:2015 standards. They allow you to turn goals from your quality policy into results. In this article, learn how to set these important measures and use them in your business today!  What are quality objectives?  Quality objectives are the goals that a…

ISO 9001 Quality Management System Software for ISO Certified Companies

Are you struggling to maintain the ISO 9001 compliance for your company? Are you spending too much time following up on QMS work that should have been done correctly the first time around? Find out how Quality Management System Software can help take some of the pressure off your shoulders!  ISO 9001 Quality Management System …

The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Quality Management System

Quality management systems are designed to ensure the quality of a product or service. The latest technologies have brought about Industry 4.0, which revolutionizes the way in which production processes are managed, and how businesses conduct business with customers. This article explores how Industry 4.0 will impact those working in the fields of quality management…