Why You Should Set a Quality Objective

In the world of quality management, there are two main methods for measuring and ensuring quality. The first is verifying that a process complies with the criteria defined in the quality manual. This is called process validation. The second method is to set measurable quality objectives. 

As stated in ISO 9001 Quality Management System, quality objectives must be measurable, take into account applicable requirements, and be monitored in order to determine whether they are being met. It will be communicated across the organization and be updated as and when the need arises. 

What is a Quality Objectives? 

A ‘Quality Objective’ is a measurable benchmark that the organization should strive to meet when it comes to quality. It can be specific to quality of service, the product or any other aspect of the company’s operations. An example could be that an organization aims for 90% of all customer complaints to be resolved within 2 hours on average, or 100% of customer complaints resolved within 24 hours once they are logged. 

Why Should You Set Quality Objective? 

A quality objective is a focused, measurable and time-bound goal to measure the success of your Quality Management System. You should have a quality objective in place before you embark on any activity that has implications for quality. In this blog, I will share with you five reasons why you should set a quality objective. 

When Should I Set Quality Objective? 

A quality objective is a statement that outlines the level of quality you want to achieve and what it means to you. It’s important to set a clear, measurable quality objective so that everyone in your organization knows what they’re working towards. The goal of a quality objective is to create a common understanding of what high-quality work looks like, and how it differs from other levels of work. Quality objectives are most effective when they’re directly linked to your strategy and aligned with your company goals. 

How To Setup? 

The first step is to identify the need for it. If you want to improve your quality, then you will need to write a quality objectives. The next step is to determine what represents good quality in your organization. Good quality in one organization might be different from another, so it is important to identify and clarify what aspects of your organization’s work represent good quality. The final step is to set a target for improving your organization’s performance in those aspects. 


Setting a quality objectives is an important step in the definition of a quality plan. It will provides direction for the people who are responsible for implementing the improvement plan. It is important to include all steps necessary to improve a process, but it is also important to establish metrics that will show progress. 

Quality Objectives